
津軽三味線 山口ひろし

津軽三味線奏者である父 山口孝次の影響を受け、幼少期より唄・太鼓・三味線を習う

津軽三味線を青森県黒石市にて千葉勝弘氏に、南部三味線を奥南部民謡 夏坂菊男氏に師事

その後、長唄三味線を東音 菊岡裕晃氏に師事









1991年 ニューヨーク リンカーンセンターでの「日本祭」に父 山口孝次と出演

1992年 「黒石よされ祭り」組踊り大会の伴奏にて最優秀賞受賞

1993年 日本大学総長より奨励賞を受賞、NHK邦楽オーディションに合格

2006年 成田空港第1ターミナルオープニングセレモニーに出演
2008年 中国河南省における「第10回アジア芸術祭」に出演

2014年 日本スペイン国交400周年記念 スペインツアー、在バンクーバー日本国総領事館創設125周年記念コンサートに出演

2016年 日本シンガポール外交関係樹立50周年記念 シンガポールツアーに出演

2018年 日本南アフリカ外交関係樹立100周年記念 南アフリカツアーに出演
2022年 日本バチカン外交関係樹立80周年記念コンサートに出演



Hiroshi Yamaguchi – Tsugaru Shamisen

Hiroshi Yamaguchi began his musical studies in his childhood under the influence of his father Koji, Tsugaru Shamisen artist.
At the age of four he made his first debut in front of the audience and at the age of ten he performed as an all-out Tsugaru Shamisen performer.
He studied Tsugaru Shamisen under the tutelage of Mr. Katsuhiro Chiba in Kuroishi City, Aomori prefecture. And Nanbu Shamisen under Mr. Kikuo Natsuzaka of Oku-Nanbu Minyo. After that he learned Nagauta Shamisen from Mr. Hiroaki Kikuoka of Touon.
He performed in various occasions such as Nagauta, Kabuki and Japanese Dance performances.
He graduated from the Music Department of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, and then completed the Graduate Course of the Department of Traditional Japanese Music.
As a Tsugaru Shamisen artist he has been performing not only in Japan but also in Asia, Oceania, Africa, North America and Europe in response to requests by Japanese Foreign Ministry and others.
He also has performed for various companies and institutions, TV and Radio programs, and participated in many CD productions and recordings.
He conducts performing class sessions and workshops for students, teaches how to play shamisen to people from a wide range of age groups, and further makes efforts to foster younger musicians following the same path as his.
The genre of artists he gives a joint performance with is not limited to Japanese music and tends to be diverse.
He enjoys such opportunities and expresses rich and appealing sound and rhythm creatively.
He holds solo concerts as well in many places. He entertains audience with his witty talk and especially with signature sound of vibrant and sometimes delicate tone of Tsugaru Shamisen.
He jointly formed a Unit called “Shake Cha-z” consisting of Tsugaru Shamisen, Japanese Flute and Drums and participates in various tours both in and out of Japan.
He responds flexibly to various cultural features and different values and, on his part, performs music in his
unique style aiming always to convey the image of landscape of Tsugaru and its fragrance in a classical way of performance.
He also tries to unite, in an attractive way, the historically-inherited techniques and skills he learned from many teachers with the modern-day performing techniques of shamisen.
He keeps practicing daily to reach yet another higher stage in order to show such an exquisite form of art.

Awards and Performances:

1990 – 1996 Received various awards and prizes in Tsugaru Shamisen contests.
1991 Performed in “Japan Festival” held at Lincoln Center (New York) together with his father, Koji. Joined Victor Boys and Girls ‘ Association for Japanese Folk Songs.
1992 Received Best performance Award for shamisen accompaniment for the Group Dance Contest in“Kuroishi Yosare Festival”
1993 Awarded Encouragement Prize from Japan University President.
Passed the NHK Japanese Traditional Music Audition at the youngest age ever.
2000 Played an accompaniment to the Japanese Dance by His Imperial Highness Imperial Prince Mikasanomiya Takahito.
2001 Completed the Graduate Course of the Department of Traditional Japanese at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music.
2003 Participated in the Opening Ceremony for the “400th Anniversary of the Establishment of Edo Shogunate Government”.
Participated in “The World Astronauts Conference” telecast by Fuji Television Network, Inc.
2006 Performed at the Opening Ceremony for the First Terminal of Narita Airport.
2008 Performed at the 10th Asian Art Festival held in Henan Province , China.
2014 Participated in Spain Tour commemorating the 400th Anniversary of Establishing the Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Spain.
Performed in the concert commemorating the 125th Anniversary of Establishing the Japanese Consulate in Vancouver.
2016 Participated in Singapore Tour commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Establishing the Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Singapore.
2017 Participated in Malaysia Tour commemorating the 60th Anniversary of Establishing the Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Malaysia.
2018 Participated in South Africa Tour commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Establishing the Diplomatic Relations between Japan and South Africa.
Participated in China Tour commemorating the 40th Anniversary of Concluding Japan-China Peace and Friendship Treaty.